Time to philosophise, during my quiet low moments a while back a “friend” said not to worry its only from the bottom that you can see your way out!! wise words when you are not at the bottom and can't see any future, but it got me thinking. I work slightly different from the norm, I had this idea that from the bottom there is always a different route that is not well considered in the normal reality of daily life, the route from the bottom? through and out the other side of course! Think of a black hole, a black hole draws in matter and compresses it into its component elements due to gravitational force, now hypothetically these atomised elements travel through the black hole to, well the other side. But what is the other side. Metaphysics talks of there being multiple universes and time lines and that we as human beings are living just in one dimension, our own little universe if you like.
Now before you think I have completely lost the plot let me tell you of a little event in my life. On Sunday 3rd of September 2006 I started a diploma course in Psychic Development my first attunement was at the megalithic site of Stonehenge, during this attunement we did an exercise called Stargate, this connected us with the energy of the site and did what it said on the label, it connected us with the Stargate energy, now I can guarantee that this was not guided visualization or hypnosis. The result of this exercise was a life changing moment, I found myself floating in an ocean of stars gazing down on a binary star, this was Sirius and I was told “you are home!!”
from this moment my life has changed in many ways, when I look around I see a different world from most. The world and everything in our existence are particles of energy all resonating at different frequency, look around you at your homes, cars and even people, everything is just energy. I have decided that 2012 is going to be a good year, there is much I want to explore, am I just a carbon-based biped life form in charge of my own destiny, or an avatar guided from some unseen spirit, time will tell.
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