Friday, 30 December 2011

Who am I

Time to philosophise, during my quiet low moments a while back a “friend” said not to worry its only from the bottom that you can see your way out!! wise words when you are not at the bottom and can't see any future, but it got me thinking. I work slightly different from the norm, I had this idea that from the bottom there is always a different route that is not well considered in the normal reality of daily life, the route from the bottom? through and out the other side of course! Think of a black hole, a black hole draws in matter and compresses it into its component elements due to gravitational force, now hypothetically these atomised elements travel through the black hole to, well the other side. But what is the other side. Metaphysics talks of there being multiple universes and time lines and that we as human beings are living just in one dimension, our own little universe if you like.

Now before you think I have completely lost the plot let me tell you of a little event in my life. On Sunday 3rd of September 2006 I started a diploma course in Psychic Development my first attunement was at the megalithic site of Stonehenge, during this attunement we did an exercise called Stargate, this connected us with the energy of the site and did what it said on the label, it connected us with the Stargate energy, now I can guarantee that this was not guided visualization or hypnosis. The result of this exercise was a life changing moment, I found myself floating in an ocean of stars gazing down on a binary star, this was Sirius and I was told “you are home!!”

from this moment my life has changed in many ways, when I look around I see a different world from most. The world and everything in our existence are particles of energy all resonating at different frequency, look around you at your homes, cars and even people, everything is just energy. I have decided that 2012 is going to be a good year, there is much I want to explore, am I just a carbon-based biped life form in charge of my own destiny, or an avatar guided from some unseen spirit, time will tell.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Saxon v Celts

Well I am back from my trip over the border and into the world, Essex is my place of birth and it was nice to return home and catch up with long lost friends and family. While there I spent time alone wandering around the hamlet of my childhood, the thing that caught me was the intensity of memories and sadly the changes that have taken place during my 11 years in Cornwall, I guess I am homesick. I came to Cornwall back then to study my family history as it would appear that the earliest record of my family name originated in Illogan back in the 1500's while I was studying I fell into a job driving articulated trucks for the then English China Clay at Par Docks, from this developed my interest in the Paranormal and my current work at Bodmin Jail. It sounds an easy existence but Cornwall is harsh, forget the chocolate box image of the county, in the past 3 years I can count on one hand the days of warm sunlight and all the images that go with it.

Life has been hard here, I came up with a saying last year, in Essex we lived in Cornwall we survive!! now before the nationalists say “well that’s because you are just one more emmit” I will retort that my ancestors were Cornish and indeed one was married to Richard Trevithick the Cornish God of Steam, and my two daughters are Cornish, I love this place and have devoted 11 years of my life here, but I am what I am an Anglo Saxon from Essex and therefore have ambition and a drive to make a better life for myself and my family, there is a world out there beyond the tamar bridge and that life is better paid with more prospects for development.  My business in the spiritual capital of Cornwall Tintagel is no more, and is now sadly reduced to just an exercise in legal and damage control, I started the exciting prospect of running a proper business full of enthusiasm and drive, but it became obvious that unless you are local and know the right people in this part of the world it makes little difference how good you are at something you will never get to the point of becoming financially secure, when so called Reiki Masters can charge anything from £40 to £400!! pound per hour up country for a single healing session, and even when I reduced my fee to £10 for an hour I was still confronted by apathy and a sucking of breath and cries of “how much” it became obvious things have to change. So ladies and gentleman as we survived being destroyed as a human race this Christmas its time to look to that future.

I will be expanding my field of business interests beyond the border of Cornwall and even across into France/Brittany during 2012, I have to think of the future of my family, and rise above the general malaise that seems to inhabit the circles I work in. Some people will drift away that we have known during our time here and its to be expected, friendship is a transient thing at best, I don’t outwardly seek publicity for the things I do I tend to let my actions speak for me, so I forsee a time when people that have called me friend for some time in this part of the world wont even remember me or what I did in the future.

Despite the rather dull and self wallowing aspect of what I have just written, I am actuality looking forward to 2012 and the future, perhaps the Myan's were not talking about the termination of the human race after all but perhaps just a termination of old ways of life and a fresh start, anyhow bless you all and I will see you all in 2012.

In the words of Peter Gabriel and Salisbury Plain

To keepin' silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Tho' my life was in a rut
"Till I thought of what I'd say
Which connection I should cut
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" he said "Grab your things
I've come to take you home."

When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the
smile on my face meant
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" I said "You can keep my things,
they've come to take me home."

Friday, 2 December 2011

This and that

It was my intention to update this blog on a daily basis but I now realise that due to work, life and the internet connection that will have to be cut back to a few times a week. But never mind I will still be here. During my exile to the home while I do battle with the rear breaking system on the Alfa Romeo, I have had plenty of time to indulge my hobbies. But as my job is also my hobby there is always a crossover at some point. So I found myself thinking like this, what if I combined one of my old radio control cars with a video cam, that way I could theoretically send it into dark out of the way places where the human body cant reach, and get a different perspective of locations that may have been buried since about 1779! This is very much along the lines of BOB the hover cam that I was working on so I could get a look in the cells of the Navel Prison at Bodmin, Bob is currently grounded at the practice in Tintagel until I can source a new battery but I am sure he will be back. So on to this latest project, I have a Tyco Twister, its 13 inches long and 7 inches high so a nice workable platform for a project. I have removed the top panel to reduce the hight, the good or interesting thing about this vehicle is its method of locomotion, it uses Archimedes Screws to travel on, this gives it very good traction. I am in the process of fitting a head unit combining the camera and lighting system, also because I have loads of bits lying around I am going to fit this head on a swivel platform attached to a servo to give pan & tilt to the camera.

I am back to work tonight as I have a private booking at the Jail to watch over until 4am, it should be an interesting night as I have not worked with this company before, so it will be interesting to see how they operate. Tomorrow is the last commercial night of the year at Bodmin, its been an interesting year and seems to have gone very quickly. I will do a round up after I recover on Sunday, and give you some of the highlights and some of the very quirky sayings that I have been told to me over the year. Last friday Paul from the group took this interesting photograph on level 2 at the Jail,


Friday, 25 November 2011

Back in Bodmin Jail

Tonight and tomorrow I will be in my second home Bodmin Jail, Bodmin has always been good to me and I truly believe if they (the spirits) did not want me here I would be long gone by now. Tonight I have a private tour for 9 clients until 7am, I shall be doing a spot of table tipping and some good old energy workshops. After that its walk around time and see who is about, I have never had a dull night here in the Jail so I am hopeful that the clients may have an experience. Tomorrow I have Paranormal Site Investigators with me over night, I like working with (PSI) as they approach the world of the paranormal from the scientific side, its always nice to have a balance between science & believers, as its how I run my events and indeed my life.

2nd floor mist


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Life, The Universe and my work life

As human beings we work in a materialistic world, happiness is defined by monetary wealth, the latest mobile phone or even a new pair of shoes to add to the mounting collection of stuff that builds up in the dark corners of our wardrobes. In Victorian times things were different and we seem to judge those times by our modern standards, many a time I hear how harsh Victorian times were, How could they hang people? How could they whip people? How could they impose absolute silence during a Prison sentence? I am not one to condone or defend the Victorian system of punishment I am putting my head on the block to talk about the implications of working in Victorian environments that deal with Paranormal activity. Working from my perspective of the spiritual world, one of energy imprinting on a location and due to the resonate frequency of the living human clients interacting with that environment, thus causing activity that can be defined as Paranormal under our current understanding of the term.

How do we define the term Paranormal? I define the term like this, anything beyond the normal perception of the world that we live is Paranormal. I am a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and I heal people by the laying on of hands in the positions developed by Hayashi-Sensi, the student of Usui-Sensi the originator of Usui Reiki, if you are familiar with Reiki and Energy Therapy you will know that by channelling energy through the human body you can realign and boost the human body’s natural healing system. I digress slightly but my world is all about energy and so is yours whether you understand it or not, we are talking about atoms and frequencies of energy here. So how does this relate to my work in a Victorian jail? Well I work in an environment where there is over 20,000 tons of Granite, containing Quartz Silica and Mica, all buzzing at different frequencies, add to this mix human beings confined for periods of time under stress and a harsh punishment regime and you have a perfect environment for paranormal activity. Also I must also touch on Religion at this point, religion was big in Victorian England, so let me ask you a question if you were living in Victorian times, and were brought up on family values and a strong sense of right and wrong, then circumstances change and you find yourself locked away in a house of correction. The shame and torment you must feel during your moments of isolation under the silent regime must be immense. Now supposing during your time in Jail you became ill or had your life extinguished by a fellow prisoner, you now have a choice, do you A: Move over to the light and resort to the energy that is the universe? B: Stay where you are and become a roaming earth bound Spirit? The choice seems obvious, but consider the thought that you were brought up with religion. Now you find yourself in prison after commiting some crime, your life is extinguished and you must present yourself at the "Gates of Heaven" to be judged, if you find you are not worthy, you will be sent to Hell where your soul will be ripped apart for all eternity!! Where would you rather go?

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Clash of the tour guides!

Never one to consider myself territorial, I was somewhat taken aback today when some cars pulled into the Jail and out poured 15 women over the age of 50. This is nothing new as we often have groups of ladies who pop in for meetings and cream tea, what caught me today was the large stroppy woman who got them in a semi circle and started to give them a tour! OK I thought I will just see how this develops as I sipped my coffee and smoked my cigar. The lady proceeded to wave her arms about like some kind of authority on all things jail related, giving her clients the wrong usage of the buildings the wrong dates for construction of the jail and just generally being wrong on all accounts, but she did it with such flair that her clients were lapping it up. Now what got me seeing the red flag was a sweet lady who turned to me and said “She is very good isn't she?” brilliant came my reply, I would have let her get away with her expert tour but! I saw a moment to strike up a conversation with this expert “are you conducting a tour” was my question? NO ITS PRIVATE ONLY came the short sharp comment with a look at me like I had just crawled out from under a stone. I believe that in Spain this is the moment when the Bull charges at the red flag and gore's the bull fighter right up the back passage, trumpets sounded and the crowd cheered “Toro” I stood up like Clint Eastwood facing the gun men “get a coffin ready” eyes squinting in the rare Cornish sunlight I took a drag on my cigar, before adopting a stance like Horatio from CSI Miami, well madam, I said looking her square in the eyes, I am the tour guide round here so if you want a tour you pay at the bar!! looking like a rapidly deflating Mr Blobby she rounded up her group and went into the jail, being psychic I knew what was coming, “mark can you do a tour for 15” no sorry I am busy came my reply but the lady can take her tour now that she has paid. Satisfaction comes in many forms.
Its true you can walk on water when motivated 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Special Effects at The Jail

Lieutenant Commander Data, not looking his best 
Some of you may be aware that we have a new chap at the Jail, Stewart Beilby was the creative force behind the The Ancient Egyptian Centre in Dobwalls and the Liskeard Chamber of Horrors. Stewart can now be found lurking around the Jail being creative in some way, he has taken on the restoration of our tired mannequins and is giving them a new lease of life and in some cases a bit of a twist. I have always had an interest in Special Effects since my days in the theatre doing body hits with pyrotechnics and blood packs! in particular I enjoyed doing Life Casting with prosthetic alginate, Stewart is an expert in this so I am looking forward to working with him and rekindling my passion for a long lost hobby.

"When Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people DIE!"
The Redruth Child Murder Case
A Nasty Habit

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

School Tours & Stuff

This week I will mostly be doing school tours, until the weekend when it's back to overnight events. I enjoy working with the youth of today and trying to expand their understanding of the Victorian system of punishment and discipline in a genuine Prison environment. I do wish that they would stop texting their friends or checking Facebook while I am talking though! Comment of the week so far from a young lad, "If I have a nightmare tonight can I blame you" of course you can lad that's why I am here.

On a better note repairs are coming along well on my Alfa Romeo156, I destroyed the gearbox on my Nissan Terrano 4x4 by clocking up 9600 miles this year! How long the Alfa will last given the state of Cornish roads only time will tell. I have found an image of what could be the Cornish dream car! Able to deal with all situations, pot holes, mine shafts, immigrant workers, tourists and caravans, the only drawback that I can see, “or not” is visibility anything under 5 foot stands a chance of being run over! Oh well never mind, once it winds up to 1.21 gigawatts of electricity time will just be reality.

My Ideal Time Machine

Monday, 14 November 2011

Recovering from Bodmin again

I have just surfaced from working at Bodmin Jail on the night of Saturday the 12th, as always we had a great night with loads of activity and the full English breakfast always goes down well at 7am.